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Cyberpunk :

is a sub-genre of cinema within the category of which depicts a futuristic world where technology technology coexists with society and is omnipresent in our daily lives. The environment is negative, with a society in decline, a gigantic city decline, a gigantic city where concrete buildings high concrete buildings against a sky that is often rainy night skies, the main character or characters are seen as anti-heroes who act against the law act against the law, philosophical questions arise between technology and ethics, and an atmosphere of tension between the system that watches over us and its and its rebellious inhabitants.

Dystopia :

is a literary and cinematographic term that puts a negative a negative connotation of a disorderly future where the where the law of the strongest reigns in a hostile hostile environment that has become savage once again. Blade Runner: is in the universe of the eponymous film eponymous Blade Runner, a mercenary tasked with to identify, track down and eliminate rebellious androids who develops an anomaly that creates something resembling human emotions and feelings.

Nexus :

is a type of android in the world of Blade Runner universe that is considered to be the most powerful ever existed. It looks exactly like a human and has been designed to carry out dangerous tasks in in space colonies.

Replicant :

is a Nexus android who has contracted an anomaly which gives it a semblance of consciousness and human emotions.

Neuromancer :

is the title of a book written by William Gibson in which a in which a very advanced and powerful artificial powerful artificial intelligence is described as having intelligence and consciousness.

Cyberspace :

is a virtual space drawn from the world of the book Neuromancer in which anyone can transfer their consciousness transfer their consciousness to an avatar inside this virtual space. It's similar to the Internet or or Metaverse as we know it.

Spoiler :

is a term that occurs when someone tells a plot or part of a story to another person who to another person who is not aware of the story. This can become embarrassing when the person wants to know the story for themselves.

Snow Crash :

is both a devastating computer virus and a virtual drug virtual drug that alters the reality of users in the world of the book of the same name.

Deus Ex :

is a video game hailed for its narrative gameplay, set in a dystopian future set in a dystopian future in which the protagonist protagonist, endowed with superhuman abilities thanks to cybernetic enhancements, must investigate to to solve global conspiracies.

Sword Art Online :

is a series of Japanese "light novels" written by written by Reki Kawahara about a virtual world a virtual world in which the protagonist Akihiko Kayaba can no longer disconnect from his virtual reality game reality game and is forced to survive by embodying his own his own avatar, despite the fact that he will die in real life if he dies in the game.