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About me

My name is Marco, I'll be 20 this year, I'm a student in Multimedia and Internet student (or MMI). I created this website as part of an assignment for my individual project for the first semester of 2023-24.

This project began with a simple replica of a famous film that we had to choose from. From this line, we had to choose a book and a piece of music either related to the or the world of the chosen film.

Then we had to make a presentation of the media, the film, the book and the music and write articles once again once again in relation to the world we were portraying. In my case, I case, I chose a line from the famous tirade from the film Blade Runner, released in 1982 by director Ridley Scott.

It was from this film that I had to develop my research to find various media that evoke a very specific genre Cyberpunk.